Reviewing Migu Miguel’s Romantic Ballad “Unanitosha

Migu Miguel, a rising music star from Mombasa County, returns with a captivating romantic love ballad titled “Unanitosha,” which translates to “You Fit and Fulfill Me.” This song is part of his recently released EP, “Know Me,” which comprises five tracks showcasing his impressive vocal talent and melodic richness.

“Unanitosha” stands out as a heartfelt ballad that beautifully captures the essence of true love and commitment. Migu Miguel’s rich, melodic voice effortlessly conveys deep emotions, making the song an instant favourite for fans of romantic Swahili music. His vocal delivery is smooth and soulful, perfectly complementing the song’s tender lyrics.

In “Unanitosha,” Migu Miguel praises his lady love for her unwavering loyalty and commitment. He sings about how she fulfills him in every aspect, both physically and emotionally. The lyrics are a testament to the power of love and the importance of having a partner who truly understands and supports you. Migu Miguel’s sincere expression of gratitude and admiration for his lover resonates deeply, making the song relatable to anyone who has experienced genuine love.

Migu Miguel Know Me EP

The production of “Unanitosha” is polished and sophisticated, with a harmonious blend of traditional Swahili elements and contemporary musical arrangements.

The instrumental backdrop enhances the romantic atmosphere of the song, allowing Migu Miguel’s voice to shine even more. The ballad’s slow tempo and gentle rhythm create a soothing ambiance, making it perfect for a relaxing listen or a romantic evening.

Migu Miguel Unanitosha

Overall, “Unanitosha” is a beautiful addition to Migu Miguel’s repertoire and a standout track on his “Know Me” EP. With its heartfelt lyrics, melodic richness, and soulful delivery, the song solidifies Migu Miguel’s place as a promising talent in the Swahili music scene. Fans of romantic music will undoubtedly appreciate the sincerity and passion that Migu Miguel brings to “Unanitosha,” making it a must-listen for anyone who enjoys love ballads.

Making History: Marco Russo, The First Italian-Kenyan to Occupy an Italian Municipality Seat

History has been made as we celebrate the first Italian-Kenyan to occupy an Italian municipality seat! This significant achievement took place in the municipal province of Napoli, marking a monumental milestone in Kenyan history.

Marco Russo

Marco Russo, born to a Kenyan mother and an Italian father, is the man behind this historic achievement. Born in Kenya and hailing from  Nyandarua county , Marco proudly identifies as Kenyan by birth. His diverse background and multicultural upbringing have undoubtedly contributed to his dynamic approach to life and leadership.

Professionally, Marco Russo is a health practitioner, dedicated to improving the well-being of his community. But his talents and passions don’t stop there. Marco also serves as a referee in the Italian lower football divisions, showcasing his versatility and commitment to sports. In addition to his professional pursuits, Marco is a music enthusiast who hustles on the side as a DJ. He owns a growing soul music franchise dubbed “Back in Soul,” which reflects his love for music and his entrepreneurial spirit.

Marco Russo

Marco’s victory is a first in the Kenyan history books, and he joins a growing list of Kenyans making history abroad. Recently, a Kenyan won the mayoral seat in Ireland, and the current British Prime Minister has roots in Kenya. These achievements highlight the global impact of Kenyans and their contributions to various fields worldwide.

Reflecting on this journey, it’s inspiring to note that even Barack Obama started on a similar path, rising from humble beginnings to become a global leader.

Marco Russo
Marco Russo

Marco Russo’s accomplishment is not just a personal victory but a testament to the potential and resilience of Kenyans around the world. This one is for the history books, and it serves as a reminder of the limitless possibilities that lie ahead for those who dare to dream and persevere.

Top International Kenyan Artists Shining Abroad

Kenyan artists are flying our flag high from all corners of the world, showcasing the richness of our culture and the depth of our talent.  Here’s a homage to some of our brightest stars making waves internationally:

Flo, a trailblazing producer, is widely recognized as a pivotal figure in modern-day trap music. He is one of Gunna’s main producers and has left an indelible mark on the genre.


Having produced Gunna’s comeback album, “A Gift and a Curse,” which is hailed as one of the biggest projects of 2023, Flo’s work earned a BET Award nomination. His innovative beats and production skills continue to shape the soundscape of contemporary hip-hop, making Kenya proud.

Degs is a Drum & Bass artist of Kenyan descent currently based in the UK. As one of the most streamed Kenyan artists, with over 240K monthly Spotify listeners, Degs is a force to be reckoned with.


He recently embarked on a worldwide tour, starting in New Zealand and heading to India. His tour will also touch down in Nairobi, where Degs is eagerly anticipating performing for his compatriots, bringing his unique international blends back home.

Mc Kah
Mc Kah is a cornerstone of the legendary Kenyan hip-hop group Ukoo Flani Mau Mau. His tracks “Dandora Love” and “Wenyeji” are foundational pieces of Kenyan hip-hop, paving the way for modern rap to thrive.

Now based in Stockholm, Mc Kah is working on new music and engaging in humanitarian projects in his hometown of Dandora. His commitment to using music for social change and community upliftment remains unwavering.

A year after debuting his first EP in the series, Kenyan London-based rapper P-Tah has delighted his fans with “For the Record 2.”

For the record 2  EP  tracklist

This follow-up project is a testament to his lyrical prowess and his ability to address crucial topics ranging from economic, political, to social issues.

Collaborating with artists like Kitu Sewer, Diana Cods, and Sir Bwoy, P-Tah’s future is as bright as the sun in the Sahara, continually elevating Kenyan hip-hop on the global stage.

Bryo Mwas.
Bryo Mwas creates music that is a love letter to his Kenyan heritage. Despite being based in the US, his works are heavily influenced by Kenya.

Bryo Mwas
Bryo Mwas

By infusing his music with Kenyan sounds, he showcases the richness and diversity of our culture to a global audience. With recent releases garnering over 100K streams in a month, the Nyahururu native is just getting started, promising exciting musical endeavors ahead.

Ian Kibe.
Atlanta-raised Kenyan artist Ian Kibe is not just another musician. His music is deeply rooted in empowerment and consciousness, aiming to break the mental limitations placed upon people of color.

Ian Kibe
Ian Kibe

Ian Kibe’s  work is a testament to his dream of a world free from oppression, and he is committed to using his music as a tool for liberation and truth.

Blurr, an emerging Kenyan rapper based in the US, has made a significant impact with his partnership with Ian Kibe, resulting in the vibrant EP, “No Title.”


Representing the new wave of Kenyan artists in the States, Blurr’s music is a fusion of East African roots and contemporary hip-hop influences. Currently in Kenya for a media tour, Blurr is working with other Kenyan rappers to further elevate our nation’s flag internationally.

King Karz.
Kenyan-Australian hip-hop artist King Karz is making waves with his unique blend of music.

His latest freestyle track, “8 AM in Perth,” captures his journey in the city of Perth. By setting up his studio and delving into the business side of music, Karz is eager to grow and evolve as an artist, continually pushing the boundaries of his craft.

Sidenote from the publisher (Prestablogs)

These artists, through their music, are making Kenya proud on the global stage. Their dedication, talent, and passion are inspiring, proving that Kenyan music knows no boundaries.

Here are some honourable mentions.
Man Thiong’o (one man guitar)
Sarah Okumu
Bigzy Black

All The Juice Regarding Dreekz Kennections Tour.

Derrick Mutuota Professionally known as Dreekz been making moves ever since he landed in Kenya for his widely Publicized six weeks Kennections tour .

Dreekz flew in with his entourage from London late November and got to business right away.

The tour which has been dubbed as the Kennections tour seeks to connect the local Kenyan music scene with the UK scene.

The Kennections tour seeks to build bridges with the local music scene with the international market ,for Kenya the country which Dreekz hails from is the home of Genge which was recently recognized by the recording academy (Grammy )as a Genre in the Afrobeats scene .

The Kennections tour has seen Dreekz being welcomed by his fatherland county of Murang’a , with the minister for sports and culture Noah Gachanja acting the official county host.

The Kennections tour has seen Dreekz being welcomed by his fatherland county of Murang’a , with the minister for sports and culture Noah Gachanja acting the official county host.

Apart from that ,Dreekz has been busy working on a couple of music projects with Bigwigs such as Buruklyn Boyz and music producer Soundkraft.

He has also shot the video to his homecoming song ‘Landed In Nairobi which was directed by video director Steve Blackson.

Embracing Emotions: Sunrok’s Journey with “Hisia”

In the world of music, there are moments when a song transcends mere notes and lyrics, becoming a vessel for raw emotions and heartfelt expressions. For Kenyan musician Sunrok, his latest single “Hisia” embodies such a moment—a testament to love, gratitude, and the courage to bare one’s soul.

“Hisia” holds a special place in Sunrok’s heart, as it represents his personal journey of love and self-discovery. In a recent interview, he revealed that the song is a tribute to his partner, an expression of gratitude for her presence in his life.

“I felt I should appreciate and assure my woman that I am grateful she chose me and I won’t let her down,” Sunrok confessed. “It’s a special feeling that so many people don’t like expressing to their lovers.”

Drawing from his own experiences and observations, Sunrok recognizes the importance of openly expressing emotions in relationships. “I have seen people breaking up because they were genuine on what they want from their lovers,” he reflected. “And I have also experienced a scenario whereby I was left by a woman because I lacked the guts to express my emotions towards her.”

Despite the challenges of balancing music with other responsibilities, Sunrok remains dedicated to his craft. “Doing music and working at the same time can be challenging,” he admitted. “But for me, music is part of my life and I can’t afford to stop singing.” Whether it’s composing on his off days or pulling overnight sessions in the studio, Sunrok’s commitment to his artistry shines through.

Having immersed himself in music from a young age, Sunrok has honed his skills by studying various genres and vocal techniques. “I have learned and mastered a lot of genres and how rappers, singers, etc., blend their voices,” he shared. “And this has helped me create my own style of singing, which I enjoy doing.”

Yet, like many artists, Sunrok has faced his share of challenges, particularly financial constraints and time management. “The greatest challenge I have ever faced is financial instability and time,” he confessed. “Balancing less income with more responsibilities can be heartbreaking.” Despite setbacks, Sunrok remains determined to overcome obstacles and share his music with the world.

As he looks towards the future, Sunrok remains optimistic about his musical journey. “I will do anything possible to make sure I make good music for you, my fans,” he affirmed. “And together, tutafika mbali—we will go far.” With “Hisia” as a testament to his passion and dedication, Sunrok’s heartfelt melodies are sure to resonate with listeners far and wide.

Unleashing the AfroBeats Magic: Dive into the Sensational Sounds of Musician Boy Nephron.

In the rhythmic tapestry of life, some souls are destined to create melodies that resonate far beyond the boundaries of their experiences. Boy Nephron, an emerging artist, is one such luminary whose journey in the world of music is a testament to resilience, self-discovery, and the boundless power of good vibes. He has also tapped in with Kenyan artists Wakadinali, Kristoff Kushman and recently mukuchu star Gody tennor

Early Sparks of Musical Genius: For Boy Nephron, the spark of musical genius ignited early in life. As a young soul, the realization that creating magic with musical instruments earned him not only appreciation but a connection with unexpected hearts fueled his passion. This early affirmation became the foundation for a lifelong commitment to the art of sound.

Losing and Gaining: A Heartfelt Journey: Life, however, had its poignant moments for Boy Nephron. Losing both parents, first his father and then his mother, marked pivotal moments that shaped his perspective on music. In these challenging times, he found solace and purpose in the creation of soul-stirring melodies. For Boy Nephron, making music became a way to connect with the departed, to make them proud, and to ensure that every note carried a smile to the heavens.

Boy Nephron

Afro Beats: A Musical Canvas for Expression: In a world where Afro beats are carving their path to global dominance, Boy Nephron finds his playground. The expansive nature of Afro beats allows him to express the richness of his African identity, showcasing musical versatility that transcends borders. Through various styles, he crafts a sonic narrative that beckons listeners from every corner of the world.

The Essence of Boy Nephron’s Music: At the heart of Boy Nephron’s musical journey lies an unwavering commitment to good vibes. His music is a beacon of positivity, infusing light into every space it enters. It’s not just about beats and lyrics; it’s a celebration of life, resilience, and the joy that music can bring.

Conclusion: Boy Nephron’s story is one of triumph over adversity, a symphony of love for those lost, and a celebration of the universal language of music. As he continues to ride the wave of Afro beats, his commitment to creating tunes that resonate globally remains unwavering. In the realm of Boy Nephron’s music, every listener is invited to join a journey where good vibes are not just a sound but a way of life.

Written and compiled by prestablogs

Kalasinga Links Up With Buruklyn Boyz For a New Upcoming Project


Rapper and actor Kalasinga aka chafu moja was over the weekend spotted working with famed music group Buruklyn Boyz on what has been termed as a chart-topping drill project .

DISS NA Drill Remix Ft BuruklynBoyz

Kalasinga, who has been busy revamping his music career, was spotted in the studio with producer X Benjah alongside the duo comprising of Ajay and Mr Right at the legendary Calif Records

Kalasinga , Juacali & BuruklynBoyz

The project was spearheaded by his promoter and publicist prestablogs


The project in question still remains a mystery as not much information has been forthcoming from both Kalasinga and Buruklyn Boyz .

Rapper Kalasinga

Nevertheless, the project will appear on Kalasinga’s album, which will premier sometime this year

Kenyan Rapper Kalasinga Gets The Ground Going In 2024


Just a few days after revealing his plans for 2024, perfoming artist & rapper Kalasinga has been spotted in what seemed to be walking his talks .

Kalasingas new track produced by Beat Ya Keggah

Sources close to the rapper and actor have revealed that Kalasinga is working on a new movie where he has been offered a new exciting role .

The movie is still on its production stages, and therefore, details about it remain scanty . The movie reveal comes a few months after his song featured in an upcoming action-packed movie dubbed K -city

Kalasinga On YouTube

Kalasinga seems to be balancing his acting and music roles as it has also been rumoured that he will be locked in the studio over the weekend with a heavy weight kenyan music group

Stay tuned for more updates .

Rapper, Songwriter & Actor Kalasinga Plans On Expanding Reach In 2024.

To those who don’t know you introduce yourself

My name is Kalasinga, aka Chafu moja. Am a rapper, songwriter,actor, and a voice-over artist. I am a diverse artist whose style is Kenyandrill,genge,Afrodrill,Afrogenge.Started taking music professionally in 2021 and started recording.

What we’re you up to in 2023?

In 2023 is was busy working in the studio Calif Records working with producer X Benjah on two projects two albums but project hasn’t been launched since producer is still working on mastering and mixing the songs but working on my 3rd studio album with producer Beat ya Keggah.

Plans for 2024?

2024 will be releasing singles for an Album to be launched once completed titled Rada fulani.My handles are Kalasinga Omari and this year I will also be planning to shoot music videos and collaborate with other artists.Already featured on a remix with Trio mio and Breeder.

I am looking forward to working with Ssaru,Mejjah,Fathermore, etc The albums are Bizz na drill and Rada fulani.Currently recording Rada fulani 2 with a single yet to blow the airwaves Nayo Nayo.

When are you dropping something fresh?

Planning to drop new singles in a month or two months time and fans should stay tuned to listen to my music and they can judge my talent.My fans should stay tuned coz am planning big things for them this year.More good music,collaborations, performances and an upcoming album.

Jack of all trades , Kalasinga.

My style of music is infusing different African sounds like genge,afrodrill,gengetone,drill, and dancehall to inform,educate, and entertain different kinds of audience.I wished everyone supports Kenyan music and local talent.

Mist’rii Casts Away Bad Energy On New Song Featuring Afrobreats Star Jaywillz

Amiliona hitmaker Mist’rii has begun the year on a positive energy featuring medicine hitmaker Jaywillz on a brand new tune dubbed No Bad Energy.

Mist’rii has been touted as the first female afrobeats artist from Kenya, and No bad energy is an embodiedment of that statement .

Mist’rii first rocked the airwaves last year when she featured American rapper Rick Ross on her hustle inspired smash single amilliona, which put her on the radar, proving that ignoring her was detrimental .

No Bad energy is not only Mist’riis New Year gift but also a song that sets precedent on how everyone should kick-start their year by casting away the repulsive energy that can come in a lot of forms.

Mist’rii is also set to kick start a dance challenge to the song and has encouraged her fans to jump in on the challenge, which begins in a few days from now.